"When you learn, teach, when you get, give."
- Maya Angelou.
Naturally Beautiful - Ava Muhammad
Naturally Beautiful includes, a reprint of Queen of the Planet Earth: The Rebirth and Rise of the Original WomanBoth books were written specifically for the Black woman and both emphasize your unique status as the Second Self of the Creator and the responsibilities that accompany your position.
The Goddess Black Woman - Akil
If the “world” is down today, it is directly because it has but the “woman” down. How can the world expect to be uplifted if it continually casts down “the doorway” through which all the world has come, and will come?
Your Hidden Superpower: The Kindness That Makes You Unbeatable at Work and Connects You with Anyone
Kindness isn’t merely about getting along with people and being nice. It’s a game changer in business, the door-opener to opportunity, and the key to authenticity and confidence. Discover the true potential of kindness and harness its power.